Don't be carried away by popular opinions; stand your ground.


"But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” Micah 7:7

When Micah says “But as for me” the word “me” there shows he's talking about himself, leaving aside the matters of other people, but it also shows a distinction, he's setting himself apart from others.
You must know this child of God, you are different, and God has distinguished you by creating you uniquely.

This could be a moment in your life when you stop following the crowd. There's a great lie in the world, perpetrated by the devil, telling us Christians that we are not different and the world is heavily tempting and pressuring us to be like them, like the people who don't know God.

Prophet Daniel already prophesied about these times in Daniel Chapter 11. The times When the world will be filled with evil and ruled by kingdoms that reject God, but the word of God says in these perilous times, “the people who know their God will be strong and will do great exploits” (Dan 11:32). This is the time you need to truly know your God to stand firm.

But also, in tough times and times when your faith is being tested, you need to stand alone with your God. David went through such a time when he was prosecuted, no one stood by his side to defend him and the Word of God says “David strengthened himself in the LORD his God” (1 Sam 30:6) and he won the battle he faced.

Wherever you are, you must have your own stance and your personal relationship with God. The disciples of Jesus were very quick to respond when he asked them who people said he was, but when he asked them “Who do you say I am?” (Mat 15:16), only Peter answered.

God wants to have a personal relationship with you, that's why he sent Jesus to reconcile us with him. You must stand firm in your relationship with God. Don't be carried away by popular opinions, stand firm with your God. Obey him as you know you are supposed to obey him, pray to him, and he will answer you, call upon him, and he will respond.

PRAYER: O LORD, I pray you build within me the courage to stand firm in my faith. I ask that my relationship with you remain steadfast in all circumstances and situations. Amen


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