Jesus is alive

"He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee" Luke 24:6

On Resurrection Sunday, we will reflect on this verse. This statement uttered to those visiting Jesus' tomb, where they encountered unexpected revelation of his resurrection.

Many of us are still searching for Jesus in the wrong places, and in a wrong way, and even some of Believers don't know how to testify of his Resurrection and the fact that our Savior is alive.

When Jesus was physically here on earth and he was present and walking among them but still the Jews were searching for him elsewhere. The Bible says in the book of John 5:39-40 NIV, "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." Though the Scriptures pointed out Jesus was Christ, they refused to believe him and are still waiting for him until today.

Now days one of the things that amazes me, and I can say is ridiculous, is that there are some scientists who have teamed up with geologists to search for evidence to prove if Jesus was a real person. They go around digging and excavating rocks to find evidence of Jesus. And some Christians think this is okay, but it is totally wrong. There is nothing Christian or spiritual about their research.

Let me tell you why: the evidence of Jesus' life and his presence is His church. We are the evidence that Jesus is real. You and I.

The bible has already spoken of him in a clear way, and its evidence is sufficient. But still, people think is not enough. There is another living evidence of Jesus. This evidence is his Church, me and you are the evidence that Jesus is real and he is Alive.

The evidence of Jesus is not some ancient remainings buried beneath a rock in Israel. Our king is alive; he is living in us. We should not look for His evidence but his presence because he is alive. He is in heaven, seated at the right hand of his father. And he is living in us.

 Faith is what leads us to Christ. Some think if you study theology, then you will know Christ. You may end up knowing about Christ but not knowing him personally. To know Christ, you need faith, not reasoning. Many Bible scholars end up like Pharisees - they failed to believe because they were reasoning everything Christ told them; they wanted everything Jesus said to be logical.

On this Resurrection Sunday, I am encouraging you to believe in Christ wholeheartedly. Don't reason everything he's telling you. Just believe him. Remember what he is doing in your life is the evidence of his resurrection; your transformed life, the healing you got is the evidence Jesus is alive.

Prayer: Lord, you have said, "I am the Light of the world." You have sent me on this world to show them your light, and the world to know you are alive and you still save people. Help me to be a reflection of the resurrected Christ to the world.



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