Jesus needs your Love

To know God and to love God are two different things, but both are important. Today, God reminds us that what He desires from us is our Hearts to love Him.
In the second chapter of the book of Revelation, you will see that the church of Ephesus kept all the laws and commandments of God, and in human eyes, we could say it was a perfect church. Let me explain to you what Jesus Himself said about this church in Revelation 2:2-3

"I know your deeds" - I can say here, that the Ephesians were Christians who did a lot of things for Christ, this gives us a clue that their focus was on their works which is what they do for Christ.
"and your toil," they were Christians who labored extensively for the church and gospel.
"and perseverance," they had patience unlike many Christians today who lack patience with their God.
"and that you cannot tolerate evil men," they did not tolerate sin and wickedness in their church. If you were a sinner, you were excommunicated… indeed they were people of a holy stand.
"and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false;" they knew the Word of God and they measured everything they were taught by the scriptures, this church had no false teachings or teachers.
"and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary." they were people who did not tire of enduring the sufferings they faced for their faith and the Name of Jesus.

Despite these Christians doing all these things, Jesus told them that He acknowledges them, but He had a word against them, meaning there was one thing that troubled Him as God - they lacked love. So your love for God is something very important to hime, he values your love so much.

Maybe you have been like the Christians of Ephesus, doing many things for God, but in your heart, you lack a personal relationship with God. It's not enough to obey God, we are also commanded to love Him (Deuteronomy 6:5). God wants a father-son relationship he wants an affectionate relationship with you as a good father would. Today, pray to God to restore His love within you and also to increase it every day.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I know you love me, I ask you to enable me to love you too, fill my heart with your love, I cannot do it by myself with my understanding, I ask you to teach me how to love you more. Amen


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