The Flesh should not be our obstacle to obeying God

saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luk 22:42

In this Easter, the word of God reminds us that the work of human redemption was not easy, but Jesus was able to accomplish it because He was obedient to God, who is His father.

Today we remember one day before Jesus' crucifixion, a day filled with many events, but one of the main events that took place that day was the struggles Jesus faced “the Internal Crisis”, where Jesus was in a state where His body and spirit were contending over God's will.

And it was a heavy battle, with Jesus praying until his sweat dropped like blood from His head.

Jesus Christ, our Savior, endured this trial for us. Here is where Jesus conquered the flesh. Because the flesh was the obstacle for Jesus to fulfill the will of God. You can see this in Mark 14:38 where Jesus Christ acknowledges that "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

The flesh has been a significant obstacle for humans to obey God. Since the beginning of creation, one reason for human fall into sin is the flesh, as the word of God says; "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food... Genesis 3:6," the flesh desired the fruit that God commanded the human not to eat. Eve failure to overcome the flesh desire led her to sin against God.

Even today, the main reason humans continue to sin is that they have failed to overcome the desires of the flesh. And even for Christians, our bodies still hinder us from doing God's will (Galatians 5:17).

You, too, must reach a stage where you no longer follow the desires of the flesh but rather the will of God.

The price of forsaking the desires of the flesh is too high for many Christians, and many have failed God because of this weakness.

The Good News is that Jesus Christ overcame the flesh in Gethsemane for us. Romans 8:3-4 explains that the laws of God that we failed to obey because of the weakness of our bodies, Jesus Christ, through the suffering He endured and His death on the cross, condemned sin in the flesh. So that you and I may be free to live according to the will of the Spirit and not the will of the flesh.

PRAYER: Jesus Christ, thank you for dying on the cross for me and giving me victory over all temptations and desires of the flesh. So that I may do your will. I offer my body to you to be your holy temple. Amen.


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