"Do not plot evil against your neighbour, who lives trustfully near you. Proverbs 3:29"

God created us so that we can live together in peace, joy, and love, making the world a place of peace. The life we live is a result of our thoughts and attitudes.

In His Word, God warns us greatly about having evil thoughts. In Proverbs 6, God tells us six things He hates, and one of those things is "a heart that devises wicked plans... Proverbs 6:18"

Today, God speaks directly to us about living well with our neighbours. Here, He is not talking about just any neighbour; He says "Your neighbour, who lives trustfully near you." Our God is faithful and trustworthy, and He wants us to be like Him. He wants you to be a trustworthy person; He does not want to see as a cause of anyone’s heartbreak and suffering. God does not like evil in general.

The Pharisees asked Jesus about the greatest commandment:

"Jesus answered, The first is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:29-31"

Therefore, you must love your neighbour because it is God's commandment. But also, if someone trusts you, as the scripture says "Your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you," even if this person has wronged you, do not harm them or think evil of them.

If you have someone close to you who has shown you kindness and believes you are a good person, do not harm them. Even at the workplace, your boss trusts you and has given you a job and pays you a salary, do not plot evil plans to steal or ruin his work. If you are a Christian, you are required to do more because of your faith. Work with discipline and integrity, and do not harm others or conspire against them. Live a life of integrity, be trustworthy, and if you are already trusted, do not let the devil tempt you to ruin your trustworthiness.

Prayer: Oh Lord, grant me to live a life of righteousness and peace with all people so that I may be your witness, Christ, that people may know you through me.


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