"And why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46"

In today's world, there are many teachings of the word of God, and some teachers who teach the word of God have altered God's word and created their own teachings and instructions that are not what Christ said. In the book of Matthew 15:8-9, Jesus said:

"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules."

The problem with the church today is the compromising of scripture, and this has caused many people to sin against God because the things they do and believe are not from God they are instructions of people.

Some people believe in God, but their actions do not align with what they believe and confess. They mention Jesus, but he is not in their hearts; their hearts are held and filled with evil and the things of this world.

The second type of people are the ones who think what they were taught is God's truth, but it is religious rules, so they obey and follow human instructions and not God's instructions.

That is why our Lord Jesus Christ asks us, "Why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?" Therefore, from today, decide in your heart that you will do what Christ Jesus has commanded us and what is written in His Word.

Stand firm in God's truth and not be influenced by the things of this world. Do not obey people more than you obey God. Your pastor or your Religious leader can not take the place of God; everything they teach and instruct you must be in line with the word of God.

Prayer: I pray for your mercy, Lord, and Savior, for my disobedience to you. Teach me to follow you and not human instructions. Amen.


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