"Jesus answered and said to him, 'It is written, Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' Luke 4:8"

In most dictionaries, Worship is defined as showing reverence and adoration for a deity. It often involves acts of devotion, prayers, rituals, or ceremonies conducted to honour and express reverence towards a divine being or god. Worship can also refer to great admiration or devotion directed towards someone or something considered highly valuable or esteemed.

The main and first commandment we were given by God is this one that Jesus said here: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." Many people think they are worshipping God, but in reality, these are some activities we have established ourselves, which when we do them, we think we are worshipping God. The truth is the foundation, and the meaning of worship is absent in those religious activities we do.

Worship is to respect, love, fear, and depend. Many Christians interpret worship as the act of attending Sunday services and following religious guidelines. These guidelines include liturgy, singing, praying, and offering. The question i am asking you today is: When you do these things, do you respect God? Do you love him? Do you fear him? Do you depend on him?

Jesus Christ said;

"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For the Father seeks such to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24"

So, worshipping God is a matter of the spirit and your heart. And how you live your daily life. You should live a life of worship every day. Every time respect God with your actions and fear him, there are things you shouldn't do because you know Almighty God has forbidden them, and then you love him by doing everything he has commanded you and most importantly, depend and rely on him.

I urge you from today to start worshipping God with your life. Worship is not just kneeling in church and singing hymns. True worship is in your heart at all times and wherever you are.

Prayer: Oh, LORD, I pray that you enable me to live a life of worship at all times. To worship you in spirit and truth. Amen


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