"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

God is within you, and when He does anything on this earth, He does it through you. It is a great honor that God has given to humanity to be his coworker.

Therefore, the abilities you have, whether intellectual or any kind of knowledge, along with blessings, are gifts from God to enable you to fulfill His good purpose. So, when God places a certain ability in you, He works through you by giving you the desire or idea to do something.

When the Word of God says, "For it is God who works in you to will and to act..." it means that when you feel the urge to do something that builds God's kingdom or anything beneficial to the community, know that this inspiration comes from God.

Satan does not want humanity to be prosperous or to live in peace; he wants us to live in poverty and suffering all the time. So, when you have an idea that will uplift your economy, as well as that of your family or the community at large, know that it is God in you working through you.

Many people think that God will only give you ideas related to church matters or spiritual things, while they see matters of economic and social well-being as the efforts of humans alone. This notion is not true.

God is concerned with all our needs. Therefore, He uses you to provide for His people's needs by giving you the desire to do those works. He also gives you the ability to carry them out. So, if you have an idea or goal to do something like a business or you want to produce a certain product or provide a service to people, first believe that it is from God, then ask Him to enable you to accomplish it.

Prayer: Oh, LORD, I pray for all my visions and ask You to enable and prosper me to do what You have placed in my heart.


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