"The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead, he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins. 2 Peter 3:9"

One day, I told a friend of mine who wanted to marry, "If you want to marry, you need to ask God to give you a good wife." He replied immediately, "I don't want to ask God because He will tell me to marry those unattractive women in the church who are always praying and very religious." He also added, "Why should I ask God and wait when I can choose the wife I want and find attractive myself?" This young man wasn’t saved, but he attended church as a tradition and a Christian routine. But I told him, "God won’t force you to marry someone you don't love. He will give you someone you love and who is right for you."

Many Christians pray but what they believe is different from what God says; they've given up and no longer trust Him. That’s why, when Peter wrote this letter to Christians, he reminded them, "The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think."

Many Christians have the mentality of this young man. They think God will delay in answering or won’t answer them in the way they want. So, they decide to handle things in their own way.

Child of God, don’t act like that. Be patient. If God delays something, He has a very good reason. That’s why the Word says, "he is patient with you because he does not want anyone to be destroyed," God will answer you at the right time and give you something that will not ruin your life.

Perhaps what you desire, you don’t fully understand or know how it will be in the future. Trust God because He knows everything. If things are delayed, it doesn't mean you have failed—be patient like Abraham. Although he had a child in his old age, his descendants are still powerful and rule the world today.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I ask for strong faith. In difficult situations, help me to believe that You will act on my behalf. Amen.


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