“Each one, as they have received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” - 1 Peter 4:10

Do you know why the Lord created you? Are you fully utilizing the spiritual gifts He has given you? Recognizing and using your gifts is essential for a meaningful life here on earth.

Think of a skilled craftsman who must know which tool to use for each job. In his workshop, he has many tools, each with its specific purpose. When he uses the right tool, he can accomplish his task with ease and produce exceptional quality. But when tools are used incorrectly, both the tool and the work can be damaged.

This same principle applies to the gifts God has given you. Through the Holy Spirit, He has uniquely equipped you to build His kingdom by giving you his gifts which might include teaching, compassion, leadership, hospitality, or other talents intended to uplift others. These gifts can look different for everyone—some might have the gift of encouragement, while others are called to serve, give generously, or provide wise counsel. Every gift is unique and valuable in God’s kingdom.

However, if you work outside your strengths or use your abilities in ways contrary to His will, you may find yourself feeling exhausted, confused, or even discouraged. God has given you these gifts so that you may glorify Him and experience the fulfillment that comes from serving according to His purpose. When you use them to serve others in love, God’s grace is multiplied, and great things happen.

Take a moment to reflect: Are you using your gifts in the way God desires? Is what you're doing now aligned with His purpose for you? If not, ask Him to show you how to use the gifts He has given you correctly so that you may live according to His purpose. When you embrace and use your gifts as God intended, you’ll find a deeper joy and fulfillment, knowing that you’re a vital part of His work in the world.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for the gifts You’ve given me. Help me to recognize, develop, and use them in line with Your purpose. Amen


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