A Life of Self-Denial

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." — John 12:24

There was a young servant of God who is now a well-known preacher around the world. When he was first saved, he was taught the meaning of John 12:24, where Jesus says that to bear fruit, a seed must die.

However, at the time, the preacher did not understand the verse fully. He started praying, “God, please kill me; I want to die.” He thought that if he physically died, he would come back as a new person, free from the struggles he was facing.

When his parents heard him praying this way, they became very worried and asked why he wanted to die. The young man couldn’t explain himself clearly, as he didn’t yet understand what the verse truly meant. Many of us make similar mistakes, praying for things we don’t fully understand.

In John 12:24, Jesus is not talking about physical death. Instead, He is talking about self-denial—letting go of old habits, behaviors, and attitudes that stop us from living fully for Him.

What Does It Mean to Die to Self?

When Jesus speaks of a grain of wheat falling into the ground and dying, He is using a powerful metaphor. When a seed is planted, part of it breaks down in the soil, making way for new growth. Similarly, in our lives, there are certain things that must “die” for us to grow spiritually and bear fruit.

If you want 2025 to be a year of change and transformation, you must ask yourself: What do I need to let go of? Are there habits, relationships, or attitudes holding me back? Jesus teaches that unless we let go of these things, we will remain stuck, unable to grow.

The young preacher finally understood this lesson. He realized that self-denial meant giving up the things in his life that didn’t honor God. Instead of praying misguided prayers, he began focusing on becoming the person God called him to be. As he grew in his faith, God blessed him and opened doors for him to share the Gospel worldwide.

Self-denial isn’t easy, but it’s necessary if we want to bear fruit. It means:

1. Letting go of pride and embracing humility.

2. Saying no to sinful habits that harm your relationship with God.

3. Trusting God’s plans over your own desires.

4. Surrendering areas of your life that you’ve been holding back.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I choose to let go of all behaviors and habits that stop me from bearing fruit. Transform me into the person You want me to be. Help me to live a life that honors You and produces good fruits amen.


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