"Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need." – Ephesians 4:28 (ESV)
One of the commandments that God gave us is not to steal. Exodus 20:15 says, "You shall not steal." However, in today's world, many people take this command lightly and find various excuses to justify what God has forbidden, including stealing. Some say, "I steal because God knows I am in need."
One day, I was with a fellow Christian from my church. After a service, we were in a car together when he received a phone call. He was talking to a coworker, planning how to steal something from their workplace. After the call, I told him, "You know stealing is wrong and a sin, right?" He replied, "It’s not a big deal. Even God understands that if I steal this thing, I will use it for something good." He went on to say, "Stealing is only bad if you waste what you stole or misuse the money. In that case, even God will judge you. But if you use it for something Important, it’s fine."
I told him, "You cannot steal and expect that money to bring you blessings. That is a curse and misfortune that you are bringing into your home."
There are many misleading beliefs we hold that prevent us from succeeding in life. When God says "Do not steal," He means exactly that—do not steal. Today's scripture says, "Rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands." Pay attention to these words:
• "Let him labor." – This means you must work hard.
• "Doing honest work." – Your work must be legitimate, blessed, and glorifying to God.
• "With his own hands." – Your success should come from your own efforts, not from dishonesty.
If you follow this principle, even if you start small, God will bless you and help you prosper economically.
The verse ends by saying, "So that he may have something to share with anyone in need." This means that the offerings and help you give to others should come from your own honest work. For your generosity to be a blessing both to the recipient and to yourself, it must come from rightful earnings.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to work diligently with my hands so that You may bless me. Guide me so that everything I do is honest and honorable. Amen.
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