How Are Your Management Skills? (Part 1)


“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matthew 25:21
The way you manage your money will determine how much God will trust you with it. In Matthew 25, a wealthy man entrusted his finances to some of his servants. He gave them each certain amounts, and when he returned, he found that some had used the money to make more money, but one servant had just hidden his in the ground. The master (who represents God) was very unhappy with this servant and called him “lazy and wicked” and even took away the little he had been entrusted with.
The master was happy with the others because no matter the amount they had been entrusted with, they used what was given to them and increased it. The servant, who was given only one bag of gold, made the decision to bury it. God expects you to use what He has given you to be a productive person. Even if you just have your health and a good mind, you can find a job doing something. God does not bless laziness. The Bible says to get out there and work. Maximize whatever God has given you.
God tests us with how we manage our finances. If you are not wisely handling your finances now when you don’t have much, why would God trust you with more? Have you ever seen the people who win the lottery? If they are broke when they win the lottery, they will likely be broke a year later because it was never a money issue; it’s a management issue.
Notice that the man who had been entrusted with the least was the one who was most prone to fail. Oftentimes, it’s the people who have the least amount of money who struggle with managing it well. They get into a poverty mentality and think they can’t afford to give because they don’t have the opportunities that others have. But holding tight onto the little you have isn’t showing God that you can be faithful with more. He wants you to trust Him. Maximize what you do have, and then you will see His blessings start to flow in your life


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