Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit, indeed, is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 (NKJV)

When Jesus was here on earth, He had a habit of praying all the time. You will read in the scriptures that He often went to the mountain to pray all night. Therefore, it is also important for you to make praying a habit and part of your lifestyle. Don't wait until you're in trouble to pray.

It’s not that Jesus prayed only when He found time. No! Jesus set aside specific times for prayer, and even if something conflicted with His prayer schedule, He would cancel it. This shows that prayer was very important to Him.

Although Jesus was the Son of God and had no sin, we see that He was devoted to prayer. In today's verse, these are His words to His disciples because He knew temptations were ahead of them, and they were unprepared; their bodies were weak. The only way they could overcome those temptations was through prayer.

In the same way, for you to overcome all kinds of temptations, you must be a person of prayer. You might feel that there’s no need to pray because everything in your life is going well, but you should pray for your future because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

Without prayer, you will lack the strength to overcome temptations when they come, just like the disciples of Jesus. If you read the following verses in Matthew 26, you will see that all the disciples fled, and Peter denied Jesus. All of this happened because they weren’t prepared in prayer.

So, make an effort to pray continuously so you may gain the strength to overcome all the challenges you face and receive God's help and strength to overcome every temptation. Amen.

Prayer: Lord, I ask You to help me remain constant in prayer at all times so that I may have the strength to overcome all temptations. Amen.


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